Publication Updates

I haven’t been keeping up with some of the stories I’ve submitted for publication. I’ve had a tough time finishing writing projects lately, and I’ve been working on a novel manuscript that consumes a lot of energy. Short fiction has taken a back seat in my mind.

I submitted one of the stories I wrote for my podcast, “The Forest”, to Chilling Tales for Dark Nights (click the link for hundreds of hours of free horror of mixed quality). The story was accepted in early 2022, I was paid, and I never followed up. I just found the story on their website in text format, which I’ve added to my publications page (or you can click here to read the story).

Another story I wrote, “The Incorruptible Corpse”, was rejected from multiple publications before being accepting by Chilling Tales For Dark Nights once again. This time it was adapted for audio on the Horror Hill podcast. It’s been added to my publications page, or you can click here to listen to the story on YouTube.

This latter story is a long one, and it took a huge chunk of 2022 to finish. Still, upon listening to the story, I noticed so many inconsistencies with the timeline of the narrative that it felt unpolished. These were details that I failed to notice after multiple re-reads, which goes to show you that you should have someone else read your story before you put it out into the world. They will likely catch something you missed.

Despite those rookie mistakes, I still enjoyed listening to my story come to life. I’ve mostly been writing and narrating my stories in a silo, and I’ve only had a handful of opportunities to hear others read my work out loud. It made me realize that even though I’m new to publishing, I have a skill that I can hone and refine. It’s a nice reminder to keep going.

On a more procedural note: I’ve established a Medium page where I will be cross-posting all of my future blog posts. I’ve decided to this because I feel that Medium can help me reach a wider reading audience than simply publishing here with limited knowledge on how to get my posts in front of eyeballs. This is a trial run, as I’m unsure what kind of readership I’ll get there. If you’re curious, click this link right here.

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